2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018
2021 Murderous March
Hosted by The Upper Hudson Chapter of Sisters in Crime, The Mavens of Mayhem
The East Greenbush Community Library
The Albany Public Library
Guest of Honor – Multi-award winning mystery author Sujata Massey
Special Guest – Edgar Award winner Alison Gaylin
* This author will mail out bookplates.
(Note: All times are Eastern)
1.00 – 2.00 pm
Pitch Workshop – moderator Jenny Milchman *
What Agents Want & How to Give It to Them
Figuring out how to woo an agent or small press editor can be as puzzling as a good mystery. In this informal session, writers will receive an overview of the publishing process today, learn how to describe their book and themselves as writers, and discover the secret to a difficult-to-turn-down pitch.
2.15 – 3.45 pm
Master Class I – Sujata Massey (Guest of Honor) *
A Journalistic Approach to Writing a Novel: How to Add the Right Details Without Becoming an Encyclopedia
Sujata will break down the journalism techniques she uses for creating pictures on the page, weaving real facts with the fictitious. She’ll also give tips on how to cultivate valuable sources in government and academia and the importance of sensitive representation of characters with different cultural backgrounds.
4.00 – 5.30 pm
Master Class II – Alison Gaylin (Special Guest)
Creating Lead Characters: Series versus Standalone
From hardboiled crime-solvers to noir antiheroes to the unreliable narrators of psychological suspense, compelling lead characters are a key element in crime fiction. We’ll discuss how to create protagonists that are multi-faceted, surprising and real – whether they’re driving one story or an ongoing series.
6.00 – 7.00 pm
Meet-the-Authors Cocktail Hour
Authors will introduce their series or latest book and present a brief reading. Bring your favorite drink!
(Note: All times are Eastern)
10.00 am Welcome and Conference Overview by Frankie Y. Bailey, President, Mavens of Mayhem
10.30 – 11.30 am Historical Mysteries Panel – Shakers, Quakers, Revolutionaries, and Depression-era cops. Journey with us to exciting mysteries of the past
- moderator – Janet Vine
- Mally Becker *
- Eleanor Kuhns *
- Edith Maxwell
- Carol Pouliot *
11.45 am – 12.45 pm Short Stories and Other Shorts Panel – No matter where you are on your writing journey, short fiction presents an opportunity to try something new, refine your craft, and have the satisfaction of writing “the end” after just 10,000 words. Tune in as these authors share their insights and inspirations behind writing short fiction, and tips on getting started and where to submit.
- moderator – Jen Collins Moore *
- Tina deBellegarde *
- V.S. Kemanis *
- Chris Knopf
- Charles Salzberg
1.00 – 2.00 pm A Conversation with our special guests Sujata Massey and Alison Gaylin
Don’t miss this lively and informative chat with our honored guests. Moderator – Elaine Viets *
2.15 – 3.15 pm Gothic Romance and Romantic Suspense Panel – Step away from the comfort of your armchair and flirt with danger as this panel delves into the darkly alluring genres of Gothic Romance and Romantic Suspense.
- moderator – Frankie Y. Bailey
- Laura K. Curtis *
- Carol Goodman
- Leanna Renee Hieber *
- Erica Obey *
3.30 – 4.30 pm Police Procedurals: Fact or Fiction Panel – Ripped from the headlines! Go behind the scenes and learn how to turn your police procedurals into page-turners as four experts from the field talk about how murder is handled in real life.
- moderator – Kathy Kaminski
- Robert Knightly
- Jodé Millman
- John Mullins
- Lissa Redmond *
4.45 – 5.45 pm Pathways to Publication Roundtable – This isn’t your grandmother’s publishing world! Getting a book published has changed drastically over the past decades. Join this panel as they discuss the variety of paths to publication available to authors today.
- moderator – Edwin Hill *
- Marlene Adelstein
- Catherine Bruns *
- Verena Rose
- Lida Sideris *
5.45 pm Wrap-up
Publisher Harriette Sackler (Level Best Books) and agent Josh Getzler (HG Literary) will take pitches at a time and date TBA. Indicate on your registration form if you wish to pitch your manuscript. You will be contacted.
* This author will mail out bookplates.
If you did not get a link to the event, please email kim@keeline.com immediately.
2020 Murderous March
As you probably know, March 2020 had most events cancelled. Sadly, this was one of them.
2019 Murderous March

2018 Murderous March
Fans and creators of the mystery, detective and crime genres: Join Mavens of Mayhem at the East Greenbush Community Library for an afternoon of enlightening talk about the craft.
1:45-4:15 Refreshments, Mavens of Mayhem member book sale
1:45-2:10 Registration
2:15-3:00 “Bringing out the Mystery Within”
Panel discussion and audience Q & A, featuring
Published authors Robert Knightly, Carol Pouliot, Kate Laity, and Frankie Bailey. Moderated by Michael Catoggio, mystery researcher and reference librarian
3:00-3:15 Stretch and Schmooze
3:15-4:00 Workshops
- Finding My Next Great Read — Laurie Dreyer and Rhonda Rosenheck
- Squeezing the Book In — K.A. Laity
- When I Die, Clear my Browser History (Research for Mystery/Crime Writers) — Michael Catoggio