February 21st Meeting & Upcoming Events

February 21: “S is for SEO: The Mystery of the Unfound Website.” Roger Lipera (Lipera Web Design & Consulting) will discuss how to make sure your Web site can be found on the Web and how social media can play a part in that. Mavens chapter meeting program, 10:30 am, Bethlehem Public Library.

February 28: “Homicidal Humor-Cozy Mysteries.” Maven Susan Sundwall, Schenectady Public Library, 10 am.

And looking ahead —

March 1: The Hudson Valley Writers Guild will sponsor a reading by three local authors on Sunday, March 1, at the Albany Public Library Washington Avenue Branch, 161 Washington Ave., from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.  The authors who will read from their recent work are Elizabeth Gordon, (Maven) K.A. Laity and Keith Willis.  The reading is part of a continuing series titled “Community of Writers.”  The reading is free and open to the public.

March 21: “Every Crime Deserves Context.” UAlbany criminal justice professor and mystery writer Frankie Y. Bailey offers a brief overview of the evolution of American crime and justice.

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